Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weight Loss - There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way

Weight Loss - There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way
By Warren Reidhead

Weight loss for the sake of losing pounds can be wrong. We have to be careful when we decide to take off the unwanted pounds because if we do not approach it in a systematic way; we could actually damage our body. Real weight loss is accomplished by eliminating pounds from three sources. Those sources of weight loss are from water, fat or muscle cells. Choosing the wrong way to lose the pounds could cause the pounds to be lost from muscle rather than fat. Make sure you choose the right way to lose weight and not the wrong way.

Most of the quick, easy weight loss programs focus on eliminating weight quickly; however, most pounds that are eliminated easily with little effort are water pounds. That is why the pounds can come back almost as quickly as they left if you do not use a system that is realistic. Real weight loss happens by losing fat cells and eliminating water.

Water will come back in a natural way to replenish your bodily systems but the fat pounds will be eliminated by your systematic program to lose the fat.

Trying to lose weight by fasting and starving yourself causes your body to burn muscle along with the fat cells. This is a true fact. Unfortunately, many of us do damage to our systems by not following a good program to lose the weight.

If done correctly our body will naturally burn fat cells before it burns muscle cells because that is the way our body is supposed to work.

In a perfect world; fat is deposited onto our body to protect us during hard times when we cannot find anything to eat. Our world has developed to where we have abundant food sources and our activity has diminished to the point where we have more fat accumulated onto our body than we need.

It is up to each of us to develop a realistic lifestyle. We need to have a healthy diet of natural food along with a good workout and an exercise program that keeps us fit.

We need to keep all our systems active and keep our body moving and develop a program to keep our muscles healthy. Visit for more tips on healthy weight loss and fitness.

You can also visit; we have all kinds of up to date information to help you in your quest to lose those unwanted pounds.

Article Source:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lose weight the healthy way

So many people are trying to take the fast track to weight loss. There is no fast way to real, lasting, healthy weight loss. I like to think of it more of getting into balance. So many people are overwieght and obese in our society because of the fact that our lifestyles are not conducive to being healthy. And then we try to get the quick fix and just lose a bunch of weight, when in fact we should be working on our health and let the weight drop of naturally and permanently.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A healthy lifestyle is no gimmick

I got up this morning and started my routine - check on the babies,  brush my teeth, put out vitamins for the older kids, make the bed, etc, etc, etc. - and then something profound hit me. Life is a constant effort. You never do something, get something, take care of something and then you're done. You get up the next day and do it all over again. I know most of you are saying to yourself "thank you Mrs. Obvious".

I know we all know this. But, do we ACT like we know this. Not always.

How many diets have you ever been on, that you thought would lose you the weight forever? If I starve myself, choke down this powder, take this pill four times a day, or whatever - just for a couple months - then I will be the size I want and I can go back to normal.

The problem with that is that not only will you probably gain the weight back, do damage to your body long term, and spend a lot of time and money on fad diets, but the biggest hit you take is to your state of mind.

You shouldn't be holding your breath through some diet just waiting to go back to normal life. Your normal life should be keeping you slim, healthy, and fit, AND happy. Eat right, exercise, take genuinely good vitamins and supplements, and allow for as many of the things you enjoy as well.

I guess what I am saying is that your health and fitness should be your routine, not something you begrudgingly work on when you can no longer fit into your favorite jeans.

Once you REALLY know this, you will begin to enjoy your life each day, and get off the rollercoaster.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Holidays coming up...

We are entering the season of the family get togethers, big wonderful meals, seeing old friends, and trying to keep it all under control.

I don't know about you, but I really look forward to the holidays and everything that comes with them - especially the FOOD. But I also tend to go overboard sometimes... OK, everytime.

This blog is dedicated to offering tips, tricks, advice, and support for those who want to get or stay slim, healthy, and fit.

Check in to find out what we are all doing to have the body we love without giving up all that we enjoy. Share your own words of wisdom, your struggles, triumphs, etc.